I have had migraine headaches for over 10 years. They have been helped by homeopathy, osteopathy and by not drinking wine but never completely went. I have been seeing Eleanor for about 6 months now and my migraines seem to have gone.
I find the treatment the most relaxing I have ever had and zone out for an hour. My body really responds to this hands on therapy and I can recommend Eleanors treatment for aches and pains that won't seem to go or for just a very relaxing experience that also helps the bodies to balance.
Thank you Eleanor - Ruth Sadler - Homeopath.
I would like to express my sincere thanks for getting me through a very stressful time a couple of weeks ago.
I had been visiting an osteopath for problems with a pain in my neck, which he had rectified, but it left me worried that I would 'put my neck out' again and this was causing back pain through tensed muscles.
One very relaxing, de-stressing visit to you and I virtually skipped out my car and that was after falling asleep during the treatment.
I would recommend that anyone in need of some TLC goes to see Eleanor and you will find out what I mean.
Kind regards - Janice Reeve - Reeve Associates